Sunday, October 5, 2008

October 02, 2008 Meeting

During the October 2, 2008 online meeting, we looked at the knowledge students that the University of California, Berkeley gained from developing a website such as the 2007-08 Digital Media and Learning Competition. Some said that they will be able to organize their ideas well.

We discussed the core subjects that should be required to be taken by students before they finish school. We also looked at how we should structured standardized tests so that they would measure student performance in an unbiased manner. Most of the students whom I’ve chatted online believe that standardized tests cannot measure what they believe to be important skills that everyone should know. I thought that among the students in our class who teach in San Francisco, there would be some that actually support standardized testing, but then I realized that most are against it. They don’t think that it measures important 21 century skills such as the ability to communicate one another.

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